Exterior Remodeling Contractor Services

Ahh, the great outdoors just got a little greater with the exceptional services of an Exterior Remodeling Contractor. Enhancing your home’s curb appeal not only elevates its value but also adds a touch of envy-inducing allure for your neighbors. Whether your home seeks a visual upgrade or a boost in energy efficiency, we offer impactful solutions that truly make a difference.

However, exterior remodeling transcends mere aesthetics. It’s about selecting the right products and ensuring precise installation, ensuring longevity and resilience over time. Beyond just appearances, ensuring the quality of workmanship is crucial to maximize the enduring value of your investment.

Seamless Exterior Transformation: On Budget, On Schedule, Every Detail Refined

We provide a wide variety of interior and exterior remodeling services designed to elevate your home and transform it into your ideal living space.

An exterior home remodel not only enhances aesthetics but also bolsters energy efficiency, leading to substantial monthly savings. Upgrading windows and doors alleviates strain on your HVAC system, prolonging the lifespan of your furnace and air conditioner. Maintaining gutters prevents water damage, while new siding and roofing contribute to improved insulation and sustained comfort indoors.

Each of these strategic investments in house exterior renovation promises long-term cost savings and reduced monthly utility bills. At Front Street Builders, we’re dedicated to guiding you in selecting the perfect products that achieve both the desired aesthetic and functionality for your home’s exterior.

Our Complete Exterior Services May Include:

  • Exterior Remodeling
  • Energy Efficient HVAC Systems
  • Energy Efficient Windows
  • Custom Doors
  • Insulation
  • Gutter Systems
  • Siding & Roofing

At Front Street Builders, we pride ourselves on completing many of our projects ahead of schedule.

Crafting Distinctive and Elegant Custom Home Exterior Renovations & Remodeling for Home

A home’s exterior sets the stage for guests, serving as the initial impression of your residence. This initial glimpse can either elevate its curb appeal or diminish its value. Transformations of your home’s exterior are essential to sustain the property’s value and allure.

At Front Street Builders, a leading exterior remodeling company, our exterior home renovations exemplify the remarkable journey from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Our seasoned team of designers boasts extensive experience in crafting innovative additions and implementing creative architectural changes. These transformations breathe life into lackluster facades, turning them into spectacular showcases of architectural brilliance.

We Deliver Curb Appeal. You Experience the Glory.

A well-executed home exterior makeover, orchestrated by seasoned remodeling contractors, isn’t just admired by visitors—it also beckons you to spend more time enjoying the outdoors. Any noteworthy exterior renovation demands meticulous planning and thorough research, given its substantial impact on your home. Entrusting this task to professional exterior remodeling companies is advisable over DIY attempts.

Within our house exterior renovation services, Front Street Builders presents an extensive array of remodeling options, including outer wall extensions, strategic wall removal and rearrangement, and innovative space creation. Our meticulous plans and designs align precisely with your home’s unique requirements, ensuring a comprehensive transformation tailored to your needs.


A meticulously planned exterior addition instantly amplifies your home’s curb appeal and significantly elevates your daily joy. Whether your house exudes a modern or traditional charm, our approach encompasses the following key strategies:

  1. Transform Your Home’s Facade: Explore Fresh Cladding Choices
    Transforming the entire exterior, when doing a brick house exterior makeover for example, can be quite challenging. In many cases, changing only the upper and outer cladding can create a harmonious balance and eliminate unsightly extensions left by previous owners. This approach offers an effective means to revitalize your home and update a flat roof without resorting to a complete building demolition.
  1. Enhance Your Home’s Aesthetic: Cladding, Rendering, and Painting Options
    There are numerous reasons why changing the cladding, rendering, and paint of your house becomes necessary. For instance, if your house is quite old, the existing cladding, pebbledash, and other exterior materials might no longer be suitable. Cladding over pebbledash can be arduous and tends to deteriorate over time, becoming increasingly challenging to maintain. Over the years, these materials may become harsher in appearance, making it advisable to opt for masonry repainting in a neutral shade such as white. This choice not only unifies various materials but also serves as an effective solution to conceal any damaged brickwork.
  1. Reviving Elegance: Restoring and Enhancing Stone Tiles
    An excellent choice for those aiming to bestow a more traditional touch to your exterior home remodel, stone tiles present a cost-effective and lightweight alternative for clients desiring the look of natural stone.
  1. Elevating Charm: Brick Slip Solutions for Your Home”
    Brick slips, like stone tiles, are solid tiles typically 2-2.5 cm deep, crafted from clay. These tiles, resembling standard clay bricks, are utilized to clad panels and interlock within prefabricated boards, offering an appealing aesthetic for various architectural applications.
  1. Redefining Your Home’s Entryway: Updating Your Front Door
    The front door of your home acts as a prelude, setting the tone and expectations for your entire residence. By focusing on the finer details right from the outset when someone arrives, it suggests a commitment to maintaining similar meticulousness and attention to detail throughout your entire home. Our diverse range of styles is designed to revive your home’s exterior, restoring its timeless—and inviting allure, effortlessly.


  • Experience a transformed appearance for your home, unveiling a completely fresh and distinctive look.
  • Enhance energy efficiency with the newly renovated home, significantly reducing energy consumption.
  • Enjoy the convenience of low-maintenance due to the utilization of modern, low-maintenance materials.
  • Elevate the resale value of your house for the long term with a lasting impact.
  • Enhance home security by updating outer windows, doors, and entryways, reducing vulnerability to break-ins.
  • Improve functionality, ensuring smoother entry and exit for residents and visitors alike.


Front Street Builders stands as a premier one-stop destination for comprehensive exterior remodeling companies crafting visionary designs for your home’s exterior. Our highly skilled contractors are accomplished craftsmen, proficient in delivering projects ranging from fundamental to intricate designs.

Having successfully completed hundreds of home renovation projects, we are dedicated to translating your vision into a stunning reality.  With a blend of your unique ideas and our innovative approach, coupled with personalized customer service, we strive to create an exceptional experience tailored to your tastes and needs.

Let’s Talk 

Come to Front Street Builders first when you want the remodeling company with integrity that cares about customer service and quality above all else. We aren’t satisfied until you are.